Author Topic: "I wish I had more critical information, but I'm simply dazzled"  (Read 187 times)

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Prodigal son

  • White Knights
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  • Posts: 820
  • I got serious
    What, I wonder, is the mindset of someone who posts a video (which I have not watched for health reasons) and follows it by posting this feedback between quotes:

    "Stefan, you continue to amaze me.  I keep thinking your public speaking cannot be improved upon, only to be disproved by videos like this.  You trust your instincts, embrace spontaneity, and eliminate self-censorship, more and more as time goes on.  Channeling Robin Williams, perhaps?
    Your interaction with the audience was the quintessence of synergy.
    I wish I had more critical information, but I'm simply dazzled.  Keep up the great work!"

    The anonymous commenter (assuming - with no evidence at all - that Mr Molyneux didn't write the words himself) is actually correct when he/she/it says "I am simply dazzled" because dazzlement is a state of blindness or partial blindness caused by exposure to intense light. This is Moly's MO, although rather than strong light he uses a relentless stream of disjointed blatherings to achieve the same effect. He attempts, and sometimes manages, to bypass the critical thinking faculties of his audience - as he has admitted on occasion, although in his estimation the ends (arrival at his personal vision of utopia) justify the deceptive means.

    Anyway, all that stuff aside, where on earth did he get the brass neck, bronze face and glass eyeballs to be able to congratulate himself in this manner without even blushing?


    "...the insight, sensitivity and wit you display in your analysis of Stefan's silliness has literally taken my breath away and now I'm dead, thank you, thank you, thank you"
    (an anonymous and highly suspect Prod fan, or ex-fan)

    « Last Edit: July 24, 2014, 04:16:16 AM by Prodigal son »
    I stood up